Milliways Mail order shop: Advice, tips and tricks.




coastal  seaside plants and gardens gardening in coastal areastacumshane gardening lake bog side

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Examples include Astrantia major (masterwort), Bergenia cordifolia (elephant’s ears), Euonymus japonicus ‘Duc d’Anjou Carriere’ (spindle) and Geranium palmatum (Canary island cranesbill). Wind causes physical damage by abrasion and can shred larger leaves but plants with sword-shaped or thin leaves provide less wind resistance and many have tough fibres that run lengthways, making them much stronger. These include Carex testacea (brick-coloured sedge), Cortaderia selloana ‘Pumila’ (dwarf pampas grass), Iris sibirica ‘Silver Edge’ (Siberian iris) and Stipa gigantea (Spanish oats).

Small leaves also offer less resistance to the wind, as do leaves that are finely divided and allow the wind to travel through them. E include Achillea millefolium ‘Cerise Queen’ (lace flower), Erigeron karvinskianus (Mexican daisy), Thalictrum delavayi (Chinese meadow rue) and Verbena bonariensis (purple top). Plants that hug the ground can often avoid the worst effects of strong winds as taller plants act as shelter belts for example, Carpobrotus edulis (hottentot fig), Erigeron glaucus (beach aster), Geranium sanguineum (bloody cranesbill) and Primula vulgaris (ditch primrose).

Great hedging plants can be escalonia, oleria, holly, crokia fuschia.

If you have the water you can spray plants in the evening to help wash some of the salt off when they are young and just planted.

The following plants are tought and hardy and should do well in coastal or sea side gardens in the Southeast. If you live right by the shore line let us know by email as this is a bit trickier

Any of the plants listed below can be used in many ways, we do sell lists of instant solutions. These lists have been complied and created to give you an instant solution to a problem such as a blank spot or potential border or containers, fruit gardens etc. They are cheaper then the pre made designs and can often be the easy way to not make costly mistakes.

All lists have been developed and used in gardens for our clients, so they are proven methods and give great results. If you don't loose one plant by buying the right plants then the list will have saved you many times its price. They are in easy to use pdf files. Print them and use them to make notes and take them with you when you to to the garden centre, (if you don't buy our plants hehe)


This list is in alphabetical order and include many types of shrubs, plants , herbaceous, perennial, trees, fruit, bulbs, bedding, ect many don't have to be used in coastal areas so have look. if they are in stock there will be a price and quantity displayed the info link will bring you to a pop up windows with a picture and more information on the plant and how to use it.

st helens bay coastal trees shrubs pplants lake side bog sdies shore plants





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